Study of physiological and psychological of Pranayama

In today modern time the life of man has become very busy and fast. This fast and day to day change life style is not allowing people to take even deep breath or relief. This changed way of living life is progressing rapidly towards various breathing problem and mentally disorder. Pranayam is the only scientific way by which one can be concentrate our own mind and regulate the breath process. This practice relax our mind. Pranayama is a very good exercise in one’s daily routine. Pranayam is an art of controlling the strength of life of breathing. it increase the will power of human being. if anyone does not find too much time to be devoted to physical activity, rate of respiration, rhythm of Resipiration, lungs volume, breath holding time will get significantly and positively influenced with practice of Pranayam. some exercise like an Anulom-vilom (alternate nostril breathing) technique Bhastrika Pranayam(Bellow breath) kapalbhati (Frontal lobe cleansing technique), shitali Pranayam, (colling breath) ujjai Pranayam(Hissing breath) are carried out for good results. The purpose of this paper to elaborate a comprehensive review of literature regarding role of Pranayam to bring balance and health of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of the individual. Through Pranayam we can escape From different type of physical and mental disease.
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