Erwerbseintritte im Zeitverlauf bei Müttern junger Kinder im SGB II

"This study analyzes entries into unsubsidized employment among mothers receiving Unemployment Benefit II (UB II) on a monthly basis up until the youngest child is aged four. Parents of children aged three or older receiving UB II are expected to be available for employment, provided that childcare is available (§ 10 Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Zweites Buch (II)). This research report empirically investigates the relevance of the youngest child's third birthday for employment entries among mothers receiving UB II, and looks into other factors influencing the timing of their employment entries as well. Mothers who were employed are compared to those without employment before the birth of their child. For the former group, the maximum parental leave duration of three years can be expected to be a relevant factor influencing the timing of their employment entries. For them, the results indeed show strongly elevated employment entry rates exactly at the time of the youngest child's third birthday in western Germany, while the first and second birthdays seem to be more important time points for returns to employment in eastern Germany. Altogether, mothers receiving UB II who were employed before the birth of their child take up employment much sooner than mothers who were previously not employed. For mothers who were not employed before the birth of their child, the empirical findings do not show any peaks in employment entry rates at specific ages of the youngest child, which was to be expected, since they are not entitled to parental leave. However, in western Germany, their employment entry rates do increase slightly around age three of the youngest child, and remain at a somewhat higher level thereafter. In eastern Germany, the same applies for ages one and two of the youngest child. Overall, employment entry rates for the two groups of mothers receiving UB II strongly differ. Employment entry rates for those who were not employed before the birth of their child remain far below those of the previously employed. Possibly, due to the combined challenge of organizing childcare and overcoming the employment obstacle of low employment experience that already existed before the birth of their child, finding employment is particularly difficult for the former group. Thus, they may be in particular need of support to improve their employment chances." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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