Amac: Bu arastirmanin amaci, meme ucu catlagi ile ilgili Youtube videolarindaki bilgilerin kalitesini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Aralik 2018 tarihinde YouTube taranarak meme ucu catlagi arastirmasi yapildi. Doktora mezunu iki ogretim uyesi tarafindan izlenen videolar kaynaklari, icerikleri ve onerileri acisindan degerlendirilerek gruplandirildi (Mukemmel, orta, zayif). Arastirmacilar tarafindan 50 video izlendi. Verilerin analizinde, Shapiro Wilk, Kruskal Wallis H testi, Pearson Kesin (Exact) Ki-Kare testi kullanildi. Analizlerin uygulanmasi IBM Spss Statistics 21.0 paket programinda yapildi. Istatistiksel onemlilik duzeyi 0.05 olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: Calisma kapsaminda YouTube’daki ilk 50 video analiz edilmistir. Bu 50 videonun 30’u (%60) calismaya dahil edilirken 20’si (%40) calisma disi birakilmistir. Videolarin gruplandirmasi ile goruntulenme sayisi arasinda istatistiksel acidan anlamli farklilik saptanmamis olup (p=0.305) toplam goruntulenme sayisi 98048.89 ± 320661.65 olarak belirlenmistir. Videonun kaynagi ile icerik olarak gruplandirilmasi arasindaki iliski karsilastirildiginda; istatistiksel acidan anlamli farklilik saptanmis olup (p=0.001) mukemmel olarak gruplandirilan videolarin tamaminin kaynagi saglik personeli olarak belirlendi. Video kaynaklari ile videolarda verilen oneriler arasindaki iliski karsilastirildiginda; istatistiksel acidan anlamli farklilik saptanmis olup (p=0.006) kombine tedaviyi sadece saglik personelinin onerdigi tespit edilmistir. Sonuc: Kaynagin saglik personeli oldugu videolar izleyenler acisindan yararli olmasina ragmen yaniltici bilgiler iceren videolar da bulunmaktadir. Bu nedenle izleyenler icin guvenilir bilgi kaynagi degildirler. Dolayisiyla saglik personelinin meme ucu catlagi hakkinda saglik personeli tarafindan yuklenmis videolari tercih etmeleri icin kisileri yonlendirmeleri onerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Meme ucu; catlak; video, saglik personeli ABSTRACT Objective: The object of this research is to evaluate the quality of information on Youtube videos related to nipple cracks. Material and Method: Youtube was searched and a research related to nipple cracks was performed in December 2018. Videos watched by two faculty members who had a PhD degree were evaluated and grouped (Excellent, average, poor) for their sources, contents and recommendations. 50 videos were watched by the researchers. For data analysis, Shapiro Wilk, Kruskal Wallis H test, Pearson Exact Chi-Square test were used. Results: In the research, the first 50 videos on YouTube were analyzed. 30 (60%) of these 50 videos were included in the study, whereas 20 (40%) were excluded from the study. A statistically significant difference (p=0.001) was determined when the relationship between the video source and the grouping as the content was compared, and the source of all the videos grouped as excellent was determined as the health personnel. A statistically significant difference (p=0.006) was found when the relationship between the video sources and the recommendations provided in the videos was compared, and it was determined that the combined treatment was recommended only by the health personnel. Conclusion: Although the videos in which the source is the health personnel are useful for the viewers, there are also videos containing misleading information. Therefore, they are not a reliable source of information for the viewers. Thus, it is recommended for the healthcare personnel to guide people to choose videos related to nipple cracks uploaded by the health personnel. Key Words: Nipple, crack; video; health personnel.
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