Panorama sobre espiritualidade e saúde: o que literatura científica aponta sobre o tema nos últimos 5 anos?

The present work aims to review the panorama of studies related to spirituality and health published in the last 5 years (2015 - 2019), in addition to synthesizing and discussing the main conclusions about the theme. The integrative review was used for data collection and analysis using the Scientific Eletronic Library Online platform - SCIELO, the descriptors "health" and "spirituality" were used, including articles published in the Portuguese, totaling 14. Five categories emerged from the categorization process: spirituality and mental health; spirituality and palliative care; spirituality as a discipline in health care courses; spirituality and workplace; and spirituality and integrative and complementary health practices. Spirituality has stood out as a positive and protective factor in mental health and palliative care, and as a positive factor to be deepened in health courses and encouraged in the workplace.
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