Creación de redes alternativas de comunicación eficiente en municipalidades pequeñas caso: Catamayo

For the development of this thesis 33,000 people were considered as the population projection of the Catamayo county, it was also considered necessary to work with 103 informants range from public workers, teachers, students, workers and traders, who become direct actors for the realization of the research topic and define the mass medium of communication between the community and the activities of the municipality. The overall objective of this research was: To determine the desirability of promoting mass communication networks from the Municipal Government of Catamayo, to streamline communication processes and promote public support for local policies and actions. To meet this goal, it was very important to use research methods, among these the inductive method that made it possible to know certain empirical characteristics, and then discover the relationships between them in all, and describe their characteristics and explain search its cause; this information was grouped in tables and graphs, only to be described, analyzed and interpreted. Likewise, the deductive method was used, which allowed it to clarify and specify the research problems starting from the issue. The
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