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Reddingsactie blauwe haai

Rescue mission blue shark December 12, a stranded living shark on the beach of Ouddorp, The Netherlands, was found. The notified Sea Animals Rescue Team visited the site and found that it was a female blue shark (Prionace glauca). Attempts to return the animal to the sea were unsuccessful. The shark was transferred to the aquarium of Rotterdam Zoo, where a quarantine basin with cold seawater was prepared for further inspection. The weakened shark did not swim independently. In order to obtain oxygen, the shark was kept in motion by zookeepers. After an hour, the shark managed to swim independently. Given its condition, the best option for recovery was to release the animal into the open sea as soon as possible. The KNRM (Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution) was called in and indicated that they could sail at 9 pm. With proper transportation the animal was brought to the outer harbor of Stellendam and transferred to the KNMR lifeboat. At 9:35 pm the animal was released into the open sea, about 26 km from the coast. Sightings of blue sharks on the Dutch North Sea coast are very rare. The first observation was made in 1927 and only four more observations have been noted since. In Nederland komen enkele haaiensoorten voor. De blauwe haai is, met een gering aantal historische waarnemingen in Nederland, een dwaalgast te noemen. Op zaterdag 12 december 2020 kreeg het Reddingsteam Zeedieren Kop van Goeree een melding dat er een levende blauwe haai was gestrand ter hoogte van Flaauwe Werk te Ouddorp.
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