P-1231 - Antipsychotics and erectile dysfunction: study in a population of moroccan schizophrenic

Introduction The occurrence of sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction (ED) induced by antipsychotic drugs complicates the treatment of schizophrenic patients, particularly because of treatment interruption. Objective Assessing the prevalence and the associated factors of ED in a population of schizophrenics under antipsychotics. Population and methods it's a cross-sectional study including 52 schizophrenic patients (DSM-IV criteria), in a stabilized state (Global assessment of functioning: GAF > 61) for at least 6 months. ED was assessed by the IIEF-5 (International Index of erectile dysfunction). Results The average age of this population is 35.77 years. The majority have paranoid schizophrenia form. 29 are under atypical antipsychotics (AA) and 20 under classic antipsychotics (CA), while 3 patients are on combination of the two. The prevalence of ED is 63.5%, with an average of the IIEF-5= 17.98 ± 4.55. (18.75 (AA) vs 17.45 (CA) [p = 0.34]). Univariate logistic regression showed that the presence of ED is related to the type of schizophrenia (paranoid), and the combination of antipsychotics. However, these two factors appear no more influential after multivariate analysis. Conclusion Erectile dysfunction induced by antipsychotics is frequent, it's impact is detrimental to the prognosis of schizophrenia in general. Clinicians should be familiar with the diagnosis, evaluation and Treatment of this side effect.
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