The life cycle of fashion items are shortened and the items are being replaced within a very short period to fulfill consumers’ needs. Consumer needs can be met by determining their functional, expressive, and aesthetic requirements. Aesthetic garment quality is one of the most important problems of the apparel design in Ukraine. This is complex problem because it is relaited to all stages of the design process. Aesthetic quality is usually achieved as a result of harmonization an outfit’s colors, shapes, fabrics and proportions. Harmonize means to bring things into harmony, or to make things compatible. However, the ability to harmonize an outfit’s features is depended from designer’s personality. Some professionals have a natural eye for it, having a so-called “sense of style.” This is not the same as “fashion sense” – knowing what is in vogue – but a feel for line and design. The lack of dress-sense could make the garment uncompetitive, though the garment’s fitting is perfect. Thus all kinds of garments must have enough aethetic quality level. Besides that, fashion designer needs to have some numerical methods to evaluate the level of harmonization in order to reveal the weaknesses in the garment design. Method of complex assessment of aesthetic quality in clothes design is based on the calculation of the weighting factors of unit indexes of aesthetic quality. Compiled list of i ndexes which characterise aesthetic garment quality is represented in the table form. In order to obtain formal methods for the evaluation aesthetic quality and harmonization an outfit’s features we calculated the w eighting factors of the indexes of the harmonisation aethetic garment quality. Sequence of actions for the evaluation a level of harmonization is presented on example of women’s outfits, particularly dresses.
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