Trading with China: How can Africa Benefit?

Since arriving in Africa in the 1800s, the trading relationship between Africa and China has evolved and intensified in many ways. As this relationship intensifies, so do the discussions of the opportunities and challenges of this relationship. Much of these discussions and debates point to China’s exploitation of the relationship. Dumping of low quality products, lack of transparency, importation of labour, and lack of concern for environment management are some of the concerns being raised. This chapter calls for a more sustainable trading relationship between China and Africa, in which African nations can become more active participants, less dependent on Chinese product and where local context and needs are considered. We provide a short history of the trading relationship between China and Africa. Various trade patterns between Africa and China are then critically examined, with a focus on the opportunities and challenges of the trading relationship on African nations. Specific examples and cases are outlined. Based on these discussions, we develop a conceptual framework that outlines a strategy for a more sustainable agreement between China and Africa. The framework includes formulating transparent agreements, use of local labour, consideration of local community needs, especially with technology transfer, safety and quality of imported goods, and finally African nations taking an active role in representing their interests. Taking into consideration the wide range of political, economic, social and environmental experiences and situations in Africa, we close with a set of recommendations that, if considered, can yield greater benefits for African nations as they continue to trade with China.
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