No sexual dimorphism in limb muscles of a frog not engaging in amplexus

Sexual dimorphism in limb muscles is widespread among anurans, with males having stronger limbs than females. This phenomenon has been interpreted in the context of intrasexual selection: 1) the robust forelimb muscles in males are associated with amplexus, in which the male tries to grasp the female tightly, and also with rejection of rivals’ attempts at taking over, and 2) massive hindlimb muscles favor the ability to kick away rivals during scramble competition. However, in a few species, fertilization occurs without any form of amplexus and in these species the limb muscle dimorphism is expected to be absent. We tested this prediction in Feirana taihangnicus: a species without amplexus. As expected, we detected non-significant sexual differences in the mass of both forelimb and hindlimb muscles after accounting for body size and age. Our findings represent an interesting example of coevolution of form and function.
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