Die Dreifachbestattung von Dolní Věstonice, Mähren/Čr : Kollaterale Versus affinale Verwandte

Skeletal remains of the triple burial and of fourth individual from the palaeolithic site of Dolni Věstonice II were submitted to a kinship analysis based on odontologic traits. The investigation was to test the hypothesis of genetic relations between the individuals, respectively the hypothesis that the individuals from the triple burial are siblings. Essential clues at biological relationships are gained both from the increased incidence of rare traits as well as from the occurrence of several rare traits in the same individuals, With the help of statistical tests we were able to establish a high probability for genetic relations between the individuals from the triple burial; age distribution and archaeological features suggest that they are indeed siblings. Due to the insufficient state of preservation of the skeletal remains, the relationship of the fourth individual to the group could not be evaluated.
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