Occlusion of Rabbit Vas Deferens with Nd^2+:YAG Laser Irradiation: A Preliminary Experiment Report

Occlusion of vas deferens in vitro and in vivo with Nd^2+: YAG laser of 100mW-1000mW was investigated. An optical fiber core in diameter of 200μm was inserted into the lumen of the vas via a canula in 8 rabbits and 16 vasa deferens were irradiated in vivo. The threshold lesion (defined as a half thickness of the vas wall being penetrated) at different power and exposure duration was investigated in vitro. Temperature on the adventitia was also determined. The vasa deferens were totally occluded in those irradiated with power of 800mW for 24 sec or with power of 1000mW for 16 sec 3 and 4 weeks after irradiation. The authors considered that it would be possible to insert percutaneoasly a fiber and coagulate vas deferens with laser for sterilization in the near future. However, more investigations are needed before it could be employed in the clinic.
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