Monitoring drought responses of barley genotypes with semi-robotic phenotyping platform and association analysis between recorded traits and allelic variants of some stress genes.

Genetic improvement of complex traits such as drought adaptation can be advanced by the combination of genomic and phenomic approaches. Semi-robotic phenotyping platform was used for computer-controlled watering, digital and thermal imaging of barley plants grown in greenhouse. The tested barley variants showed 0-76% reduction in green pixel-based shoot surface area in soil with 20% water content, compared to well-watered plants grown in soil with 60% water content. The barley 'HvA1' gene encoding the group 3 LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) protein exhibited four (A-D) haplotypes as identified by the EcoTILLING and subsequent DNA sequencing. The green pixel mean value of genotypes with haplotype D was higher than the mean value of the remaining haplotypes, indicating a pivotal role of haplotype D in optimizing the green biomass production under drought condition. In water limitation, the canopy temperature of a highly sensitive genotype was 18.0 degreesC, as opposed to 16.9 degreesC of leaves from a tolerant genotype as measured by thermal imaging. Drought-induced changes in leaf temperature showed moderate correlation with the water use efficiency (r2 = 0.431). The haplotype/trait association analysis based on the t-test has revealed a positive effect of a haplotype B (SNPs:GCCCCTGC) in a gene encoding the barley fungal pathogen induced mRNA for pathogen-related protein ('HvPPRPX'), on harvest index, thousand grain weight, water use efficiency and grain yield. The presented pilot study established a basic methodology for the integrated use of phenotyping and haplotyping data in characterization of genotype-dependent drought responses in barley.
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