Caracterización, diagnóstico y formulación del PLAN DE MANEJO ARQUEOLÓGICO del SITIO CON ARTE RUPESTRE DE PAJARITO y ZONA ARQUEOLÓGICA CONTIGUA(Veredas Flores y Santa Bárbara, Guasca, Cundinamarca)

What is not known is not valued, what is not valued is not protected, and what is not protected may disappear ... In this order of ideas it is noted that the best way to preserve our real estate archeological heritage, and in particular the Sites with Rock Art (SAR), is not hiding them but, on the contrary, encouraging their recognition through value enhancement strategies that, in a concerted way between the public, private and the rest of the community, make possible its use and enjoyment in a sustainable way, so that its legacy is finally secured to future generations. Based on the foregoing, the Mayor's Office of Guasca proposed this project within the framework of the call for INC 2017 resources, which was made possible thanks to the support of the Departmental Institute of Culture and Tourism IDECUT, the Ministry of Culture, the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History ICANH and the execution of the Erigaie Foundation, in order to formulate an Archaeological Management Plan (PMA) of the Site with Rock Art of Pajarito and its potential contiguous archaeological zone, located on the border of the Flores and Santa Barbara paths (Guasca), and establish the necessary actions to understand, delimit it, identify its values, warn its problems and potentials, and formulate actions to mitigate the risks of its conservation but, above all, to stimulate the social appropriation of this archaeological heritage, achieve its inclusion in the municipal EOT and request its declaration as a Protected Archaeological Area (AAP) before the ICANH.
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