Ordem do treinamento com pesos, capacidade funcional e carga de treino em idosos treinados: ensaio clínico aleatorizado.

Introduction: The order of resistance training (RT) may be related to the benefits observed in this modality. Objective: To evaluate the order of RT in functional capacity and training load. Methods: Eighteen trained elderly were randomized: sequence A (SEQ A), from large to small muscle groups and sequence B (SEQ B), reverse order to SEQ A. Flexibility, functional tasks, muscle endurance and training load were verified. Results: Interaction was observed for flexibility, where the SEQ B (+ 18.7%) presented significant result when compared to SEQ A (- 18.4%). Effect of time was found for functional task (SEQ A = - 2.9% and SEQ B = - 1.9%), muscle endurance (SEQ A = + 11.5% and SEQ B = + 8.9%) and training load (SEQ A = + 54.0% and SEQ B = + 74.3%). Conclusion: RT is effective for improving functional task, muscular endurance and training load, but order can influence flexibility.
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