The efficiency increase of the nutrition element uptake by various potato cultivars grown in one-crop system and in crop rotation

The research conducted in 2012-2015 in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine proved the feasibility to increase crop capacity and the efficiency of nutrient uptake from fertilizers by various potato cultivars when grown in short-term crop rotation in comparison with one-crop system. Short-term crop rotation with the following crop alternation was suggested: field 1 – barley; field 2 – potato; field 3 – vegetable crops. The introduction of this crop rotation allows to increase potato crop capacity by 43 cwt/ha or by 17.3%. Green manure proved to be an alternative of manure. The use of siderate intermediary crops (oil-bearing radish, white mustard and also oat seed, spring wheat) makes it possible to get 165-273 cwt/ha of biomass due to plant vegetative organs and root system. When siderate biomass is embedded, 63-102 kg of nitrogen, 15-31 kg of phosphorus, 67-108 kg of potassium enter the soil, which is equivalent to 15-25 t/ha of manure, and additional application of mineral fertilizers N 45 P 45 K 45 with them is close in its efficiency to 40 t/ha of manure. The yield increase resulted from green manure application was 16–20% on the average, as compared with the unfertilized plots. When siderates with mineral fertilizers are embedded at a mentioned rate the yield capacity increases by 34–42%. Also the nutrition element uptake from the soil and fertilizers increases (manure, siderates, mineral fertilizers) as well as the coefficient of the use of nutrient substances. The response of the cultivars to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers was determined; the advantage of Shchedryk cultivar over Riviera cultivar was identified.
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