Aviation non-technical skills guidebook

It has long been recognised in aviation circles that high performance depends on more than technical knowledge and skills. Performance also relies on an understanding of how humans work, their abilities and limitations, and how to achieve and maintain high performance standards. The term 'non-technical skills' (NTS) encompasses attributes such as the ability to recognise and manage human performance limitations, to make sound decisions, to communicate effectively, to perform effectively as a team, to manage stress and fatigue, and to maintain situation awareness. This guidebook has been designed to support the Defence Aviation NTS Foundation and Continuation training courses. The 15 chapters introduce the psychological theory and research underlying key NTS topics. The importance of each of the NTS topics is demonstrated through case studies where deficient NTS have led to major accidents. Although designed to accompany formal courses, the Guidebook can also be read by itself. Accordingly, most chapters include advice on techniques that will help individuals develop their own non-technical skills.
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