Differences in quit attempts, successful quits, methods, and motivations in a longitudinal cohort of adult tobacco users by sexual orientation.

Introduction Sexual minority (SM) tobacco users are less likely to successfully quit than heterosexuals, yet little evidence describes cessation behaviors in this population over time. Our study investigated quit motivations, attempts, and methods in a longitudinal cohort of adult tobacco users by sexual orientation. Methods Participants (N = 1177) completed interviews every 6 months through 48 months and reported quit attempts (24-hours tobacco free), successful quits (7-day point prevalence abstinence), motivations, and methods. Chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests assessed differences by heterosexual and SM orientation, gender, and quit outcome (attempt-only vs. successful quit). Results Quit rates were similar for heterosexual and SM adults. Over half attempted to quit at least once over 48 months, but few remained abstinent (SM: 16.9%; heterosexual: 12.1%). Most used nicotine replacement therapy (SM: 31.9%; heterosexual: 26.1%) or tobacco product substitution (SM: 27.7%; heterosexual: 21.2%). Few used quitlines (SM: 4.3%; heterosexual: 1.3%) or internet-based programs (SM: 6.4%; heterosexual: 1.3%). Quit motivations included health concerns, family, and physical fitness. Participants reporting a successful quit were more likely to report a household member quit smoking than 24-hour quit attempters. Among participants reporting a successful quit, more SM than heterosexual participants reported that a coworker quit smoking (55.6% vs 33.1%, p = .009). Conclusions We found few differences between heterosexual and SM tobacco users in our sample. Many repeatedly attempt to quit, yet few used evidence-based methods. Leveraging online quit programs, health messages, and family members in tailored cessation interventions may help SM and heterosexual tobacco users successfully quit. Implications Sexual minority (SM) and heterosexual tobacco users evidenced few differences in quit behaviors. Over 4-years, a majority attempted to quit, with over a third making repeated quit attempts. Nicotine replacement therapy and tobacco product substitution were mostly used during quit attempts; however, more SM than heterosexual men reported using web-based quit programs. Personal health and family concerns were universal motivations to quit, yet SM women also cited physical fitness as a primary motivation. Tobacco users reporting that a household member stopped smoking were more likely to successfully quit. More SM than heterosexual men reported that a co-worker quit smoking.
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