Examination of the implementations of taking out of forest boundaries in Istanbul in terms of forestry policy

Examination of the implementations of taking out of forest boundaries in Istanbul in terms of forestry policy Abstract: Protection and development of forests , protection of forest villagers are among the primary aims of the national forestry policy. In order to realize these aims in terms of forestry policy, forestry policy instruments are determined in the form of legal regulations related to forestry, forest ownership, public relations. In this context, main aims of this study are as follows: (1) to analyse the cadastral works carried out on processes of taking out of forest boundary from technical aspect, (2) to inspect the compliance of these works with the purposes foreseen in terms of legislation, (3) to determine problems on these works from the point of view of cadastre teams, forest administrations and forest villagers and (4) to discuss the results that may arise from the implementations of taking out of forest boundaries in terms of forestry of our country. Within the framework of these purposes, the city of Istanbul has been selected as the area of study. However, as it will not be possible to handle and evaluate all areas taken out of forest boundaries in Istanbul, in terms of time and workableness, it has been deemed appropriate to select a sample area on a local scale. In Istanbul City, Şile District, the villages of Ahmetli, Imrendere, Karamendere, Korucukoy and Ovacik were selected as sample areas in terms of 2/B implementations. All of parcels on the sample areas selected in the field of study were included in the study. As a result of the study, when different 2/B implementations with Laws numbered 1744, 2896 and 3302 were evaluated with the implementations of the final and definite Law numbered 5831, it was determined that significant technical errors occurred during the placement of boundary stones on the area of study and plotting on the map, some of the lands, which were made subject of implementations, did not lost their forest characteristics in technical and scientifical terms and did not comply with the criteria provided in the relevant legislation. It was understood that a significant part of the areas subject to 2/B were already non-forest private-registered lands with owners, these lands that were being used as farm land even at the time when the forest cadastre was made and even these private registered lands were taken into the forest restriction boundaries and as no objection was made within the given time, this situation became definite. It has been determined that such places are being taken out of forest boundaries with 2/B implementation and the improper transactions are being corrected in this way. Keywords: Forest Cadastre, 2/B implementations, law-maker, object of study and forest policy Istanbul’da orman sinirlari disina cikarma uygulamalarinin ormancilik politikasi yonunden irdelenmesi Ozet: Ormanlarin korunmasi ve gelistirilmesi, orman koylulerinin korunmasi ulusal ormancilik politikasinin oncelikli amaclari arasindadir. Ormancilik politikasi acisindan bu amaclari gerceklestirebilmek icin, ormancilik politikasi araclari; ormancilikla ilgili yasal duzenlemeler, orman mulkiyeti ve halkla iliskiler seklinde belirlenmektedir. Bu baglamda bu calismanin baslica amaclari; (1) Orman sinirlari disina cikarma islemlerine yonelik olarak gerceklestirilen kadastro calismalarini teknik yonden analiz etmek, (2) Bu calismalarin mevzuat bakimindan ongorulen amaclara uygunlugunu denetlemek, (3) Kadastro ekipleri, orman idareleri ve orman koylulerinin bakisiyla bu calismalara yonelik sorunlari belirlemek ve (4) Orman sinirlari disina cikarma uygulamalarinin ulkemiz ormanciligi acisindan dogurabilecegi sonuclari tartismaktir. Bu amaclar cercevesinde Istanbul Ili arastirma alani olarak secilmistir. Ancak zaman ve calisabilirlik acisindan Istanbul’daki butun orman sinirlari disina cikarilan alanlarin tek tek ele alinip degerlendirilmesi olanakli olamayacagindan, yoresel olcekte bir ornek alanin secilmesi uygun gorulmustur. Istanbul Ili Şile Ilcesi’nde Ahmetli, Imrendere, Karamendere, Korucukoy ve Ovacik Koyleri 2/B uygulamalari acisindan ornek alanlar olarak secilmistir. Arastirma alaninda secilen ornek alanlarda parsellerin tamami calismaya konu edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda 1744, 2896 ve 3302 Sayili Yasalarla degisik 2B uygulamalarinin, son yapilan ve kesin olan 5831 Sayili Yasa uygulamalariyla degerlendirildiginde; arastirma alaninda sinir taslarinin araziye tesisi ve haritaya tersimi sirasinda onemli teknik hatalarin olustugu, uygulamalara konu edilen arazilerin bir kisminin bilim ve fen bakimindan orman niteliklerini kaybetmedikleri ve ilgili mevzuatta ongorulen olcutlere uymadigi belirlenmistir. 2/B’ ye konu olmus sahalarin onemli bir kismi ise; eskiden beri sahipli olan orman disi tapulu araziler oldugu, orman kadastrosunun yapildigi yillarda bile tarim arazisi olarak kullanilan, hatta tapulu olan bu arazilerin orman tahdit sinirlari icine alinmis ve suresi icinde itiraz edilmediginden dolayi kesinlesmis oldugu anlasilmistir. Boyle yerler 2/B Madde uygulamasi ile orman sinirlari disina cikarilarak, eski tahditte yapilmis olan hatali islemlerin bu sekilde duzeltilmekte oldugu belirlenmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman Kadastrosu, 2/B uygulamalari, kanun koyucu, arastirma objesi, ormancilik politikas Received (Gelis):  04.04.2016 -  Revised (Duzeltme):  25.05.2016 - Accepted (Kabul):  29.06.2016 Cite (Atif):  Kose, M., 2017. Examination of the implementations of taking out of forest boundaries in Istanbul in terms of forestry policy.  Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University  67(2): xxx-xxx. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.xxxxx
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