Gross Error Elimination of ICESat/GLAS Data in Typical Land Areas

The United States launched ICESat satellite in 2003 and the GLAS system was mounted on ICESat satellite. Under ideal conditions the accuracy of laser altimetry data by the GLAS system can reach centimeter level. Aimed at land areas, this paper proposes a method which combines SRTM data, GLA14 parameters and GLA01 waveform data, screens the ICESat/GLAS laser altimetry data, and eliminates invalid data and gross errors. This method has been used to screen the regional data of Tianjin and Hebei. The accuracy of ICESat/GLAS laser altimetry data in Tianjin region reached 0.8 m. But in Hebei region, due to the low accuracy of the reference data, the accuracy of the screened data is about 3 m. The method can effectively reduce ICESat/GLAS data collection workload in the field control points and improve the utilization efficiency of ICESat/GLAS data.
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