Prosopografia Romana fra le due partes Imperii (98-604). Contributo alla storia dei rapporti fra Transpadana e Oriens. Tomo 1 (Abundius - G. Kaninius Sissius)

The aim of my prosopographical research is the development, also in digital format (website), of a reference work about ancient mobility. My project considers people who were native in Transpadana as well as Oriens and have travelled respectively towards the other pars Imperii, from 2nd to 7th century CE. Different human and social categories - officials, soldiers, merchants, gladiators, doctors, clerics, and especially bishops, diacons, pilgrims in Late Antiquity - were engaged in this cultural and historic interchange between Western and Eastern societies. This research regards Transpadana as a specific historical and cultural context (lato sensu corresponding to present Lombardia), whereas with Oriens the great district, inclusive of every ancient dioecesis which was fixed in 395 (pars Orientis), is meant. My analysis is focused on the age between emperor Trajan's imperium (98-117 CE) and Pope Gregory the Great’s death (604 CE). Many different sources concur to the development of the project: epigraphical and numismatic collections, collections of letters and universal chronicles, acts of ecclesiastical councils, Latin and Greek historiography etc. The contribution of onomastic studies is unavoidable. My research is currently in progress and I selected more than one hundred individual entries. Each individual entry includes name, chronology, career or status, biographical details, indexes and specific bibliography.
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