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A Radar Survey of Lunar Dome Fields

The near side of the Moon has several areas with a high concentration of volcanic domes. These low relief structures are considerably different in morphology from terrestrial cinder cones, and some of the domes may be similar to some terrestrial shields formed through Hawaiian or Strombolian eruptions from a central pipe vent or small fissure [1]. The domes are evidence that some volcanic lavas were more viscous than the mare flood basalts that make up most of the lunar volcanic flows. It is still not known what types of volcanism lead to the creation of specific domes, or how much dome formation may have varied across the Moon. Prior work has shown that some domes have unusual radar polarization characteristics that may indicate a surface or subsurface structure that is different from that of other domes. Such differences might result from different styles of late-stage volcanism for some of the domes, or possibly from differences in how the erupted materials were altered over time (e.g. by subsequent volcanism or nearby cratering events). For example, many of the domes in the Marius Hills region have high circular polarization ratios (CPRs) in S-band (12.6 cm wavelength) and/or P-band (70 cm wavelength) radar data [2]. The high CPRs are indicative of rough surfaces, and suggest that these domes may have been built from overlapping blocky flows that in some cases have been covered by meters of regolith [2, 3]. In other cases, domes have low circular polarization ratios indicative of smooth, rock-poor surfaces or possibly pyroclastics. The ~12 km diameter dome Manilius 1 in Mare Vaporum [1], has a CPR value of 0.20, which is significantly below values for the surrounding basalts [4]. To better understand the range of surface properties and styles of volcanism associated with the lunar domes, we are currently surveying lunar dome fields including the Marius Hills, Cauchy/Jansen dome field, the Gruithuisen domes, and domes near Hortensius and Vitruvius.
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