Status of the CEBAF (Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility) injector

The injector for the CEBAF cw superconducting linac consists of a 100 keV electron gun, two choppers and a buncher. A short, room temperature, graded-{beta}, sidecoupled accelerator is used to increase the electron beam energy to about 500 keV to produce a good match into the first superconducting accelerator cavity. Eighteen five-cell superconducting cavities are used to produce an energy of 45 MeV before injection into the first linac. All of the room temperature centerline hardware has been installed on a strongback. Testing of the 100 keV electron gun and transport system is in progress. The rf system for the choppers and buncher is nearly complete and the first rf tests are in progress. 5 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab.
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