Online customer-to-customer interaction in the pre-purchase stage of high involvement products

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to complement the literature of online customer-to-customer interaction and customer journey by exploring the different roles of online customer-to-customer interaction in the pre-purchase stage of buying high involvement products. Methodology: The research aims to detect the patterns and understand individual behaviour;therefore, a qualitative approach was selected. The purpose of the research is to study the role of online customer-to-customer interaction in forming the purchase intention of consumers when purchasing high involvement products. For this reason, the research has an exploratory nature. Furthermore, the study consists of an abductive, multiple-method approach, including scenario observations and semi-structured interviews with fifteen participants. Theoretical perspective: Literature of consumer behaviour, decision-making, especially the pre-purchase stage and the customer-to-customer interaction, are deemed relevant for this study. The paper adopts several theories to reflect on the empirical data and explain the phenomenon. The main theories that ensure the reflexivity of our study are rooted in consumer behaviour such as: dual process-; free will-; cognitive dissonance-; constructive decision- making theory. Empirical data: In-depth qualitative data through the behaviour and thoughts of the participants was collected. Findings/conclusions: In the context of a high-involvement product, we identified five main roles of online customer-to-customer interaction in the process of forming purchase intention,or in other words, pre-purchase stage. These main roles are: informer, evaluator, recommender, risk and uncertainty reducer, and self-approval. These five roles present both functional and emotional values of the online CCI to consumers. Besides, the brand preference and consumers’ knowledge or experiences have a high impact on the use of online CCI, which could be adopted to understand the reasons behind each role of online CCI. Moreover, the research also reveals the similarities and differences between high-involved and low-involved consumers in the way of using online CCI. Overall, findings contributed to the understanding of the pre-purchase stage and online CCI. Practical implications: Through this study, companies can gain an in-depth understanding of their relative position in the customer environment as it shows a different perspective of customer orientation that companies might consider in order to enhance their customer centricity and strengthen the experience of the offering. Moreover, the study witnesses that brand-related actions are important and can intervene in the usage of online CCI, which encourages the company’s focus on brand image. Furthermore, we identified that online CCI has a greater influence on the emerging brand’s purchase intention.
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