Neonatal non-immune hydrops due to large placental chorioangioma -a treatable cause of hydrops

The term non-immunologic hydrops fetalis (NIHF) defines an edematous fetus with fluid collections in some usually two or all serous cavities that does not have erythroblastosis fetalis from isoimmunization. Ballantyne described the first case of non-immune hydrops. In 1943 Dr Edith Potter published the first description of NIHF. Hydrops Fetalis is considered as a prenatal form of cardiac failure. Hydrops may present as a stiffness of one limb due to edema (present case) to severe generalized anasarca with bilateral pleural effusion. Usually non-immune hydrops associated with severe morbidity and mortality. NIHF not only caused by fatal fetal causes like Chromosomal, alpha thalassemia, infections and cardiac causes but also caused by placental causes like twin to twin transfusion syndrome and placental tumours like placental chorioangioma, among these last entity usually have good prognosis if we managed properly in utero or at the time of delivery and early postnatal days. Some cases of non-immune hydrops amenable to treatment and will have better prognosis like chylothorax, CCAM, Supra Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT), bladder obstruction and hydrothorax.
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