Caracterización de la calidad de vida percibida por adultos mayores. Policlínico “Leonilda Tamayo Matos”. Isla de la Juventud. Abril 2016-Mayo 2017

With the objective of characterize the quality of life detected by elderly people assisted in the “Leonilda Tamayo Matos” health area in the Isle of Youth between the period of April 2016 and May 2017, a transversal study was carried out to 353 elderly people sample , without cognitive deterioration, it was selected by Muestreo por Conglomerados Bietapico. Two tests were applied to gather the information, Minimal Test of Mental Condition and the Quality life Scale in the Third Age. There was a predominance of the low and high categories with the values 44, 8 and 44, 2 percent respectively. There was carried out an analysis related to the sex in which the result was a predominance of the high category in women (53.9 percent) while there was a prevalence of the low category in men (50.2 percent). The study results show the women have better quality life, so that, the higher instruction level the better quality of life. Making an assessment by aspects, the women have the higher levels; the same situation happens in the instruction level but the financial situation is perceived better by men. It is recommended to continue researching about this topic, specifically the development of the intervention strategy designed to improve the quality of life of the elderly people sample.
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