Dynamic monitoring of HbA1c in Russian regions: data comparison of mobile medical center (Diamodul) and national diabetes register of Russian Federation

BACKGROUND: Glikogemoglobin (HbA 1c ) is a key clinical marker for evaluating the effectiveness of glucose-lowering therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and the quality of diabetic care. AIMS: to conduct dynamic monitoring of the quality of glycemic control in DM patients based on a comprehensive examination in mobile medical center (Diamodul) during repeated visits to the regions in 2019 compared with visits of Based Federal program “Diabetes Mellitus” (2005–2010) and data of the National diabetes register (NDR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the study: patients with T1DM and T2DM examined in Diamodul in 2019 in Voronezh region (Vr), Krasnodar region (Kr) (n = 600), there were “dynamic” group of re-examined (Vr n = 224; Kr n = 113), “random” group of new patients (Vr n = 72; Kr n = 191); group of adult patients from NDR with indicated HbA 1c in 2019 (n = 2410067). RESULTS: According to Diamodul, the HbA 1c levels are significantly worse than they were reported to NDR: the proportion of patients achieved HbA 1c <7% for T1DM is 13.3% and 11.7%; T2DM – 25.1% and 28.6%, in Kr and Vr, respectively; in NDR: T1DM – 37.4%, T2DM – 52.2%. The average HbA 1c values in the Diamodul are higher than in NDR by 0.95% for T1DM, 1.41% for T2DM patients. The proportion of patients with HbA 1c ≥9% decrease in dynamic of examinations through years in T1: in Vr from 53.1% in 2005 and 55.8% in 2010 to 42.9% in 2019, in Kr from 53.2% in 2006 to 43.8% in 2019; also there were decreases in the average HbA 1c values in Vr from 9.3% in 2005 and 9.4% in 2010 to 8.8% in 2019; in Kr from 9.1% in 2006 to 8.7% in 2019. In T2DM patients with the best parameters of DM control in a whole, the positive trends were less pronounced and are assessed as non-deterioration: the proportion of HbA 1c ≥9 % in Vr: 34.7%–34.7%–36.4%, in Kr 40.1%–28.4%; average values of HbA 1c : 8.2%–8.4%–8.5% and 8.6%–8.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The data of the research clearly indicates the need for 100% inclusion of HbA 1c in the examination standards in all DM patients at the primary level at least 1 time per year, in order to monitor the real clinical situation, the effectiveness of glucose-lowering therapy and its timely intensification to prevent development of complications.
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