The purpose of this research is to study  using main language of primary school mathematics students in the lecture of Analysis –I .In this research figuring out and using mathematical skills in the field of analysis learning of  primary school math preceptorship undergraduate students were scrutinized and on the relationship between gender and mathematical accomplishment were focused on this study. Besides, outlook on the use of mathematical language was interpreted and on the relationship between mathematical language skills, gender and mathematics accomplishment were in depth scrutinized. In the research, general screening model was approved. The 2th grade math preceptorship students who were educated in the Buca Education Faculty in the academic year of 2014-2015 contained the participants of the study. Two data collection methods were used in the study. The first one is achievement test making up of 20 questions, 5 of them are open- ended questions, aiming at determine mathematical language using skills in the field of analysis learning. The second data collection metod, likert-type scale of mathematical language, prepared by researcher using the scale developed by Calikoglu Bali (2002), and developed by Akarsu Esra ,aimed to determine view of students’ mathematical language was used. Data collection tools were implemented in 2014-2015 academic year and SPSS 15.0 package program was used for computer analysis of the data collected. In consequence of the study, It was concluded that students have substantial  lackness in the field of analysis learning. It was obviously seen that, students falls short of mathematical language using skills and have misconception in the field of analysis learning. Furthermore, It was obviously seen that there is an insignificant relationship between mathematical language using and academic success of the students. So, mathematical language and using levels differ from each other in terms of their genders. It is determined that there is a significant relationship in a low level between using language levels and views concerning mathematical language using of the students. It in accordance with mentioned, there is a significant relationship in a low level between academic success and mathematical language using. Keywords : Mathematical language,  analysis, teaching analysis Oz Bu arastirmanin amaci, Ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi lisans ogrencilerinin analiz-I dersinde matematiksel dil kullanimlarini incelemektir. Bu arastirmada , ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi lisans ogrencilerinin analiz ogrenme alaninda matematiksel dili anlayabilme ve kullanabilme becerileri incelenmis ve matematik basarilari ile cinsiyetleri arasindaki iliski uzerinde durulmustur. Ardindan matematiksel dil kullanima iliskin gorusleri degerlendirilerek matematiksel dil kullanabilme becerileri, cinsiyetleri ve matematik basarilari arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Arastirmada genel tarama modeli kabul edilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, 2014-2015 egitim-ogretim yilinda Buca Egitim Fakultesi Ilkogretim Matematik Ogretmenligi lisans ogrenimi goren 2. Sinif lisans ogrencileri olusturmustur. Arastirmada iki tane veri toplama araci kullanilmistir. Bunlardan bir tanesi ogrencilerin analiz ogrenme alaninda matematiksel dil kullanim becerilerini belirlemeyi amaclayan 5 acik uclu, 20 test sorusundan olusan bir basari testidir. Ikinci veri toplama araci ise ogrencilerin matematiksel dile iliskin goruslerini belirlemeyi amaclayan Bali-Calikoglu (2002)’ nun gelistirdigi “matematik ogretiminde dil olcegi”nden yararlanilarak Esra AKARSU tarafindan gelistirilen matematiksel dil olcegi kullanilmistir. Veri toplama araclari 2014-2015 egitim ogretim yilinda uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 15.0 bilgisayar paket programi kullanilmistir.Arastirmanin sonucunda; ogrencilerin analiz ogrenme alaninda onemli eksiklikleri oldugu sonucuna varilmistir. Ogrencilerin analiz ogrenme alaninda matematiksel dil kullanim becerilerinin yeterli duzeyde olmadigi ve analiz ogrenme alaninda bazi kavram yanilgisina sahip olduklari gorulmustur. Ogrencilerin matematiksel dil kullanimlari ile akademik basarilari arasinda dusuk duzeyde, anlamsiz bir iliski oldugu gorulmustur. Ogrencilerin matematiksel dili anlayabilme ve kullanabilme duzeylerinin cinsiyetlerine gore farklilik gosterdigi ortaya cikmistir. 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