Evaluation of Anterior Tooth Display in Rest Position & Smile, and Smile Characteristics in Dravidian Tamil Linguistic Population

INTRODUCTION: Esthetics or the study of beauty is an essential component in the practice of orthodontics. Esthetics is a Greek word which means perception of beauty. The facial esthetics embodied in classic Greek sculpture had a strong influence on many of the early orthodontists. It has been said that “beauty is power; and smile is its sword”. For appreciation of beauty, it is said that the human mind functions at the limbic level in the subconscious or the primitive part of the brain. Facial expression and physical attractiveness in general, form essential parts of social interaction. The smile is even more important because of its increasing role in the esthetic ideal. The smile and facial display as related to communication and expression of emotion must be taken into account in the context of dento-facial problems. Few objective criteria exist for assessing attributes of smile, establishing tooth-lip relationship for best esthetics. An esthetically pleasing smile depends not only on components such as tooth size, shape, color, and position, but also on the amount of visible gingivae and the framing of the lips. All these components should form a harmonic and symmetric entity. The Dravidians have been found to be different from other ethnic groups by many earlier workers. Therefore, it was thought relevant to conduct a study on smile characteristics and tooth- lip relationship in Tamil linguistic population through digital videography. Thus far no study has been undertaken to study the smile and toothlip relationships for best esthetics on them. This study therefore, endeavors to determine: 1. Anterior tooth display in rest position and smile, 2. Smile characteristics and, 3. Extend its application to the practice of orthodontics. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study is to evaluate the anterior tooth display in rest position and smile, and smile characteristics in Dravidian Tamil linguistic population. OBJECTIVES: To analyse the factors that contribute to aesthetic smile through digital videographic measurement, that include, • Maxillary Incisal Display, • Upper Lip Length, • Upper Lip Thickness, • Interlabial gap, • Outercommissure Width, • Innercommissure Width, • Smile Height, • Smile Arc and, • Smile Line. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A Sample size of 100 participants-comprising equal numbers of boys and girls, who are Students, and Patients of the Tamil Nadu Govt. Dental College and Hospital, and Students of other Educational Institutions of Chennai were involved in this study.Prior permission was applied for, and clearance from the Institutional Ethical Committee was obtained; the comprehensive procedure was explained to the participants, and informed consent obtained for conducting this study. Inclusion Criteria: Tamil linguistic subjects of Dravidian ancestry-based on family tree, aged between 16-19years with natural dentition, full Maxillary and Mandibular arches up to and including first molars, without caries and/or periodontal diseases, possessing ideal Dental and Facial proportions with Class I dental and skeletal features confirmed by lateral cephalometric radiographs were included for the study. Exclusion Criteria: Subjects of Interlinguistic parentage, lip incompetency, subjects who have undergone restorative, orthodontic, prosthodontic or surgical and or other cosmetic dental therapy; those with lip abnormalities like short upper lip, cleft lip etc., persons with the clinical features of abnormal oral habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing; subjects with sagittal, vertical and transverse skeletal or dental discrepancies were excluded from the study. RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation of various parameters of smiles were calculated of which the Upper Lip Length at rest (ULL/R) was found to be 20.09mm and Upper Lip Thickness at rest (ULT/R) was found to be 7.4mm. Inter Labial Gap at Rest(ILG/R) was found to be 0.26mm and Inter Commisure Width at Rest(ICW/R) was found to be 51.4mm. The mean and standard deviation of various parameters of smiles were calculated of which the Upper Lip Length at smile (ULL/S) was found to be 14.95mm and Upper Lip Thickness at smile (ULT/S) was found to be 6.33mm. Smile height was found to be 11mm and Outer Inter Commisure Width at Smile (OICW/S) was found to be 65.7mm and Inner Inter Commisure Width at Smile (IICW/S) was found to be 59.9mm. According to t test, the mean value for ULL/R in males was 22.2mm, SD 2.48mm and P value <0.001 suggestive of statistically significant. In females, the mean value for ULL/R was 19.63mm, SD 2.42mm and P value <0.001 suggestive of statistically significant. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: 1. Smile aesthetics is an essential component in orthodontics due to the re-emergence of the soft tissue paradigm. An aesthetically pleasing smile depends not only on the components such as tooth size, shape, colour and position, but also on the amount of the visible gingivae and the framing of the lips. 2. The digital videographic method is advantageous over direct biometric measurements for it is easy to use in a clinical setup. 3. The result showed that the males were found to have more ULL/R, ULT/R, ILG/R and ICW/R than females. 4. During smile, males were found to have more ULL, ILG, OICW, IICW, smile height and same ULT. 5. In view of MID, males were found to have lesser incisor exposure than females. 6. The study evaluated that the females exhibited parallel smile arc whereas males exhibited flat smile arc. 7. Average smile height was exhibited by 64% of the subjects of the study. Evaluation of the anterior tooth display and smile characteristic study was undertaken to determine the applicability of these findings in Tamil linguistic population to the normal morphology of structure regularly involved in orthodontic practice. Future Trends: It opens an avenue for a long term prospective longitudinal study with large samples and evaluation of other soft tissue analyses in various Dravidian population.
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