Canada-US border air quality strategy (BAQS): preliminary results of mortality and cancer incidence in Windsor, Canada

Windsor is one of the main Canadian cities exposed to transborder air pollution and part of the BAQS. We have analyzed all causes of mortality and cancer incidence in Windsor for the period 1979 to 1999 in comparison to provincial (Ontario) rates, using age-adjusted standardized mortality (SMRs) and standardized incidence (SIRs) ratios. In the age group 20 years and over and in both males and females, statistically significantly increased SMRs and SIRs were observed for diseases that have been associated with long-term air pollution exposure: mortality from circulatory diseases, bronchitis and emphysema, and lung cancer; lung cancer incidence. These results suggest a potential risk associated with air pollution exposure, but present the limitations inherent to mortality and cancer incidence studies. The results of further planned studies assessing these health outcomes to areas of exposure to air pollution within Windsor will be needed to provide stronger evidence to these preliminary findings.
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