Az antropológia kezdetei hazánkban | The Beginnings of Anthropology in Hungary

A XIX. szazad masodik feleben vilagszerte megindultak az antropologiai kutatasok. Hazankban Lenhossek Jozsef (1818-1888) műkodott ezen a teruleten, es az 1875. evi kutatasaival lerakta az antropologia alapjait. Munkatarsai kozreműkodesevel 76 csontos koponyan es 265 elő ember fejen vegzett koponyamereseket. Egy koponyan vagy fejen 50 hosszusagi merest vegeztek es a fontosabb viszonyszamokat (indexeket) kiszamitottak, meghataroztak a magyar emberre jellemző koponyaindexeket. Ezek az ertekek ma is iranyadoak. In the second half of the 19th century anthropological researches started everywhere in the world. Cranioscopy formed an important part of the biological anthropology. Jozsef Lenhossek (1818–1888) worked also on this subject and on the basis of one of his researches in 1875 he became the founder of the anthropology in Hungary. On 76 skulls of several collections and on 265 heads together with his coworkers he performed 50 measurements on each skulls and heads and calculated the important ratios (skull-indexes). He determined the skull-indexes of the Hungarian people. These indexes are valid also today.
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