Molecular biology and the staging of prostate cancer

: Cancer of the prostate is still controlled or cured by surgery, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy. The present criteria of complication and prediction are criticized more and more for not being sufficiently reliable, due to the high heterogeneity of prostatic cells. The continuing discoveries of intra- and extracellular mechanisms of the molecular informational network, which allow the continuity or discontinuity of the cell's life, are also related to prostate cancer. The role of androgen receptors is now under close scrutiny, in the light of the knowledge of regulatory genes and their molecular expression. In the near future, a complete study of prostate cancer's DNA is certainly envisaged. Looking forward to the extraordinary applications of molecular biology in this field, this article is aimed at establishing a clear link between the conventional ways of interpreting the clinical expression of prostate cancer and the oncoming applications of genomics and proteomics.
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