A critical assessment of two real-time PCR assays targeting the (SSU) rRNA and gdh genes for the molecular identification of Giardia intestinalis in a clinical laboratory.

Introduction Giardiasis is an intestinal diarrhoeal illness caused by the flagellate protozoan parasite Giardia intestinalis . Molecular techniques for the identification of G. intestinalis have generally been shown to offer a better detection rate of the parasite than the traditional faecal concentration and microscopy techniques. Aim The aim of this study was to critically assess the performance of a commercial and a published real-time PCR assay for their potential use as frontline tests for the diagnosis of giardiasis. Methods A composite reference standard of enzyme immunoassay and rapid membrane test was used in a diagnostic accuracy study to assess the performance of Primerdesign9s, and Verweij et al G. intestinalis real-time PCR assays, comparing them with the traditional ova, cysts and parasite microscopy test (OCP-M). Results The Verweij real-time PCR used primers for the (SSU) rRNA gene, and produced a diagnostic sensitivity of 93.4% (95% CI 88.30% to 98.50%) and an efficiency of 100%. Primerdesign9s real-time PCR used primers for the glutamate dehydrogenase gene and produced a diagnostic sensitivity of 61.5% (95% CI 51.50% to 71.50%) and an efficiency of 203%. The OCP-M sensitivity was 83.5% (95% CI 75.87% to 91.13%). Conclusions The Verweij real-time PCR was robust and the most sensitive assay suited for use as a first-line diagnostic test for giardiasis.
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