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The reptilian brain

Reptiles express a number of complex behaviors normally attributed to mammals. They can, for example, learn to navigate mazes as well as birds or mammals do and likely use a hippocampal structure to do so. Remarkably, sea turtles navigate across the ocean to their home beach, possibly using magnetic, olfactory, and visual cues. Reptiles also express interesting social behaviors: pythons and crocodiles, for example, incubate their eggs after hatching, and mothers guard the nest and provide infant care. Some lizard species exhibit pair bonding, parental care, and form families. Others construct networks of tunnels and may live in social communities like those of naked-mole rats.Reptiles inhabit a variety of ecological niches, such as terrestrial deserts, temperate forests, tropical jungles, the sea, and fresh waters. They are found in all oceans and on all continents except Antarctica. Semi-aquatic turtles, which live in primarily aquatic habitats but make terrestrial excursions to lay eggs, offer an interesting model animal in which to study navigation. Many turtles are known for their impressive navigational skills and high nest-site fidelity, or the tendency for individuals to return to the same geographic location or microhabitat to nest. The mechanisms underlying these behaviors are not entirely understood, but navigational ability in the fresh water turtle Chrysemys picta seems to depend on experience gained during a critical period (when younger than four years of age). Translocated resident adults, for example, can quickly and consistently find new aquatic habitats within 33 hours, often using precise and predictable routes, whereas translocated non-resident adults appear unable to find new aquatic habitats even after 21 days.The hippocampus is critical for map-like or relational memory representations of allocentric space, where objects are represented in relation to other objects. In birds and mammals, lesions to the hippocampal formation produce selective impairments in spatial tasks that require the encoding of relationships among multiple environmental features (place learning) but not in tasks that require approaching a single cue or simple non-spatial discriminations. Whereas extensive comparative research supports the idea that the reptilian medial cortex is homologous to the hippocampal formation of mammals and birds, only a few studies have examined the neural function of this brain structure or its role in place learning. In one such study, Rodriguez et al. (2002) evaluated the effects of lesions to the hippocampus of turtles in place and cue-maze tasks. Hippocampal lesioned (and sham-lesioned) animals performed cue-discrimination tasks correctly, but failed at the place learning that relied on allocentric space learning. These results indicate that lesions to the hippocampus of turtles selectively impair map-like memory representations of the environmental space, mirroring the effect of hippocampal lesions in mammals and birds. Thus, reptilian hippocampus may also share a central role in navigation.In conclusion, the observation that mammalian and reptilian brains share both ancestry and a large number of functional attributes suggests that the identification of primordial (and possibly general) algorithmic principles of brain function could be helped by comparative approaches. To this end the reptilian brain, with its simpler structure, may prove invaluable to decipher fundamental questions of modern neuroscience.
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