Particle-Phase Photoreactions of HULIS and TMIs Establish a Strong Source of H2O2 and Particulate Sulfate in the Winter North China Plain.

During haze periods in the North China Plain, extremely high NO concentrations have been observed, commonly exceeding 1 ppbv, preventing the classical gas-phase H2O2 formation through HO2 recombination. Surprisingly, H2O2 mixing ratios of about 1 ppbv were observed repeatedly in winter 2017. Combined field observations and chamber experiments reveal a photochemical in-particle formation of H2O2, driven by transition metal ions (TMIs) and humic-like substances (HULIS). In chamber experiments, steady-state H2O2 mixing ratios of 116 ± 83 pptv were observed upon the irradiation of TMI- and HULIS-containing particles. Correspondingly, H2O2 formation rates of about 0.2 ppbv h-1 during the initial irradiation periods are consistent with the H2O2 rates observed in the field. A novel chemical mechanism was developed explaining the in-particle H2O2 formation through a sequence of elementary photochemical reactions involving HULIS and TMIs. Dedicated box model studies of measurement periods with relative humidity >50% and PM2.5 ≥ 75 μg m-3 agree with the observed H2O2 concentrations and time courses. The modeling results suggest about 90% of the particulate sulfate to be produced from the SO2 reaction with OH and HSO3- oxidation by H2O2. Overall, under high pollution, the H2O2-caused sulfate formation rate is above 250 ng m-3 h-1, contributing to the sulfate formation by more than 70%.
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