Factores que Favorecen y se Interponen en el Establecimiento de la Alianza Terapéutica en Terapia de Familia y Pareja* Factors that Foster and Intervene in the Establishment of a Therapeutic Alliance in Family and Couples Therapy Fatores que Favorecem e se Interpõem no Estabelecimento da Aliança Terapêutica na Terapia de Família e de Casal

Prior research shows that there is a robust re - lationship between the Therapeutic Alliance (TA) and the results of therapy. Developing the TA is more difficult in family and couples ther apy than in individual therapeutic processes. Semi-structured interviews with patients and therapists were used to explore the factors they believed to be associated with the development of TA. Content analysis showed that the follow - ing factors, among others, foster TA: the volun- tary and committed participation of the patients, assuming responsibility for the problem, trusting the therapist, wishing to change, and the coher -
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