Associação entre funções estomatognáticas, oclusão dentária e sinais de disfunção temporomandibular em mulheres assintomáticas

PURPOSE: to determine the association between chewing and swallowing stomatognathic functions, dental occlusion and temporomandibular dysfunction signs in asymptomatic women. METHODS: the stomatognathic functions were evaluated through orofacial myofunctional examination; the dental occlusion examination included: Angle classification; overjet and overbite measures; openbite and crossbite presence; and the temporomandibular joint evaluation was performed by the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders Research Instrument. RESULTS: 43 women with an average age of 23.7 years old were evaluated. The orofacial myofunctional examination showed changes in mastication pattern (30.2%), chewing (18.6%) and swallowing (58.1%) atypical contractions. Regarding the dental occlusion Angle Class I was predominant (74.4%), however no volunteer had an ideal occlusion. The temporomandibular joint evaluation showed the range of movement within normal, presence of mouth opening deviation (60.5%) and temporomandibular dysfunction diagnosis (16.3%). There was a significant association between presence of joint noises and temporomandibular dysfunction diagnosis and atypical swallowing contractions; opening pattern and atypical chewing contractions; there was no association between Angle Occlusal Class, chewing pattern and temporomandibular disorders. CONCLUSION: asymptomatic volunteers showed alterations of stomatognathic functions such as atypical contractions during swallowing and chewing, which were associated to joint noises and mouth opening pattern. These results can be attributed to imbalances and lack of coordination of the muscles involved in these functions. No volunteer showed an ideal occlusion and no associations with this condition were found.
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