Self-perceived leadership behaviors of undergraduates: Scale development study Lisans öğrencilerinin liderlik davranışlarına ilişkin öz algıları: Ölçek geliştirme çalışması

The aim of the study is to develop a valid and reliable instrument to assess the self-perceived leadership behaviors of Sport Sciences undergraduates. 24 undergraduate students defined the leadership concept, data collected were content analyzed, and the 53-itemed pool was reduced to 50 items preceding a review done by 3 scholars. Pilot instrument was administered to 284 Sport Sciences students. KMO (.934) and Bartlett test [4809.978; (p<0.000)] were conducted. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed 4 factors. 4 Factors in total accounts for the % 54.12 of total variance. Factors generated were named as Participative Leader, Self- confident Leader, Principled Leader and Decisive Leader. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was run and Critical N (CN) was calculated as 252.11 Adaptive values of the model was determined as X 2 /df (1,39); RMSEA (0.037); NFI (0.97); CFI (0.99); GFI (0.93). The results indicated the model provided a good fit to the data.The results indicated Self-perceived leadership behaviors of undergraduates scale with 4 factors and 20 items is valid and reliable. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text  PDF (TURKISH)  file . Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, spor bilimleri lisans ogrencilerinin kendi liderlik davranislarini degerlendirebilecekleri gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme araci gelistirmektir. 24 ogrenci liderligin tanimini yapmis, toplanan veriler icerik analizi teknigiyle analiz edilmis, 53 maddelik soru havuzu, alinan 3 uzman gorusu sonucu 50’ye indirilmistir.  Olcegin deneme formu, spor bilimleri fakultesi ogrencisi 284 kisiye uygulanmistir. KMO (.934) ve Bartlett testi [4809.978; (p<0.000)] yapilmistir. Acimlayici Faktor Analizi  sonucu maddeler 4 ayri boyutta toplanmistir. Bu dort boyut toplam varyansin % 54.12’sini aciklamaktadir. Boyutlar, Katilimci Lider, Kendine Guvenen Lider, Ilkeli Lider ve Kararli Lider olarak isimlendirilmistir. Dogrulayici Faktor Analizi sonucu kritik N degeri 252.11 olarak hesaplanmistir. Modelin uygunluguna iliskin X 2 /df degeri 1,39; RMSEA degeri 0.037; NFI degeri 0.97; CFI degeri 0.99 ve GFI degeri 0.93 olarak tespit edilmistir. Bu sonuclar modelin iyi uyum degerlerini karsiladigini gostermistir. Dort boyut ve yirmi maddeden olusan Lisans Ogrencilerinin Liderlik Davranislarina Iliskin Oz Algilari Olcegi’nin gecerli ve guvenilir olduguna karar verilmistir.
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