A SAMI and MaNGA view on the stellar kinematics of galaxies on the star-forming main sequence.
Galaxy internal structure growth has long been accused of inhibiting star formation in disc galaxies. We investigate the potential physical connection between the growth of dispersion-supported stellar structures (e.g. classical bulges) and the position of galaxies on the star-forming main sequence at $z\sim0$. Combining the might of the SAMI and MaNGA galaxy surveys, we measure the $\lambda_{Re}$ spin parameter for 3781 galaxies over $9.5 11$), do we see a rapid decrease in $\lambda_{Re}$ once galaxies decline in star formation activity. If this trend is confirmed, it would be indicative of different quenching mechanisms acting on high- and low-mass galaxies. The results suggest that while a population of galaxies possessing some dispersion-supported structure is already present on the star-forming main sequence, further growth would be required after the galaxy has quenched to match the kinematic properties observed in passive galaxies at $z\sim0$.
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