Experticia y cognición. Exploración de funciones cognitivas verbales y visoespaciales en arquitectos y psicólogos

Several investigations have warned that the exercise of some professions can have modulating effects on the brain structure and cognitive functioning. The results of an exploratory cross-sectional study referring to the modifications on specific processes between experts in Architecture (N = 41, age: X = 39, SD = 10) and in Psychology (N = 40, age: X = 35, SD = 7) are presented. The general objective was to contribute to the determination of differential cognitive profiles. The architects showed better performance on tasks that involve the retention and manipulation of visuospatial information. No significant differences were found in solving verbal tasks. These results suggest that experience in architecture could lead to improved behavioral performance in cognitive processes corresponding to visuospatial working memory. The scope of the present exploration and the necessary instances for the validation of these observations are discussed. New studies are suggested that integrate longitudinal monitoring and neuroimaging technologies.
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