Distinct Early Inflammatory Events during Ear Tissue Regeneration in Mice Selected for High Inflammation Bearing Slc11a1 R and S Alleles

High inflammatory AIRmax mice homozygous for Slc11a1 R and S alleles were produced. AIRmax SS mice showed faster ear tissue regeneration than AIRmax RR mice, suggesting that the S allele favored tissue restoration. Here, we investigated the gene expression profiles and the inflammatory reactions of AIRmax RR and AIRmax SS mice during the initial phase of ear tissue regeneration. We observed superior levels of analysis of wound myeloperoxidase and edema in AIRmax SS mice, although similar cell influx was verified in both lines. Of the genes, 794 were up- and 674 down-regulated in AIRmax RR , while 735 genes were found to be up- and 1616 down-regulated in AIRmax SS mice 48 h after punch. Both mouse lines showed significant over-represented genes related to cell proliferation; however AIRmax SS displayed up-regulation of inflammatory response genes. Quantitative PCR experiments showed higher expressions of Tgfb1, Dap12 and Trem1 genes in AIRmax SS mice. These results indicate that Slc11a1 gene modulated the early inflammatory events of ear tissue regeneration.
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