Peax: interactive visual analysis and exploration of complex clinical phenotype and gene expression association.

Increasing availability of high-dimensional clinical data, which improves the ability to define more specific phenotypes, as well as molecular data, which can elucidate disease mechanisms, is a driving force and at the same time a major challenge for translational and personalized medicine. Successful research in this field requires an approach that ties together specific disease and health expertise with understanding of molecular data through statistical methods. We present PEAX (Phenotype-Expression Association eXplorer), built upon open-source software, which integrates visual phenotype model definition with statistical testing of expression data presented concurrently in a web-browser. The integration of data and analysis tasks in a single tool allows clinical domain experts to obtain new insights directly through exploration of relationships between multivariate phenotype models and gene expression data, showing the effects of model definition and modification while also exploiting potential meaningful associations between phenotype and miRNA-mRNA regulatory relationships. We combine the web visualization capabilities of Shiny and D3 with the power and speed of R for backend statistical analysis, in order to abstract the scripting required for repetitive analysis of sub-phenotype association. We describe the motivation for PEAX, demonstrate its utility through a use case involving heart failure research, and discuss computational challenges and observations. We show that our visual web-based representations are well-suited for rapid exploration of phenotype and gene expression association, facilitating insight and discovery by domain experts.
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