Precision Medicine in the Era of Huge Cohorts and Dense Phenotypic Data.

The All of Us Research Program seeks to engage at least 1 million diverse individuals across the United States. To achieve this goal, the All of Us will recruit participants via a national network of healthcare provider organizations (including regional medical centers, federally qualified health centers, and Veterans Affairs Medical Centers) and "direct volunteer" enrollment sites. All of Us launched nationally in May 2018 and is collecting EHR records, healthcare surveys, biospecimens, physical measures, activity monitor data, and other data sources to provide a robust data sets for research. Participants will also be recontact-able. Importantly, participants will have access to their information in All of Us. Over 300,000 individuals have joined All of Us, and more than 240,000 have completed in-person enrollment and agreed to share EHR data. The ultimate goals for All of Us include enabling research that can lead to accurate diagnoses and redefinition of disease, more rational disease prevention strategies, better treatment selection, and the discovery of novel therapies. To that end, we anticipate the All of Us Research Workbench launching for a public beta, providing researcher access to the robust All of Us data set, in the first half of 2020.
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