Asymptotic mapping class groups of Cantor manifolds and their finiteness properties

A {\em Cantor manifold} $\mathcal C$ is a non-compact manifold obtained by gluing (holed) copies of a fixed compact manifold $Y$ in a tree-like manner. Generalizing classical families of groups due to Brin, Dehornoy, and Funar- Kapoudjian, we introduce the {\em asymptotic mapping class group} $\mathcal B$ of $\mathcal C$, whose elements are proper isotopy classes of self-diffeomorphisms of $\mathcal C$ that are {\em eventually trivial}. The group $\mathcal B$ happens to be an extension of a Higman-Thompson group by a direct limit of mapping class groups of compact submanifolds of $\mathcal C$. We construct an infinite-dimensional contractible cube complex $\mathfrak X$ on which $\mathcal B$ acts. For certain well-studied families of manifolds, we prove that $\mathcal B$ is of type $F_\infty$ and that $\mathfrak X$ is ${\rm CAT}(0)$; more concretely, our methods apply for example when $Y$ is diffeomorphic to $\mathbb S^1 \times \mathbb S^1$, $\mathbb S^2\times \mathbb S^1$, or $\mathbb S^n \times \mathbb S^n$ for $n\ge 3$. In these cases, $\mathcal B$ contains, respectively, the mapping class group of every compact surface with boundary; the automorphism group of the free group on $k$ generators for all $k$; and an infinite family of (arithmetic) symplectic or orthogonal groups. In particular, if $Y \cong \mathbb S^2$ or $ \mathbb S^1 \times \mathbb S^1$, our result gives a positive answer to \cite[Problem 3]{FKS12} and \cite[Question 5.32]{AV20}. In addition, for $Y\cong \mathbb S^1 \times \mathbb S^1$ or $ \mathbb S^2\times \mathbb S^1$, the homology of $\mathcal B$ coincides with the {\em stable homology} of the relevant mapping class groups, as studied by Harer and Hatcher--Wahl.
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