3D nyomtatott ABS próbatest vetemedésének szoftveres vizsgálata: Software examination of 3D printed ABS specimen warping

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has contributed to the development of a wide range of new technologies that grew into commonly used industrial applications, and to the spread of them among general users. One of these technologies is additive manufacturing technology, in which spatial objects are created by adding new layers. In this article, the additive process as a production technology is analyzed from the point of view of material structure. In the course of this study, we will emphasize the various print parameters of polymer specimens. The aim of our research is to study the warping and shrinkage of printed parts by software, to compare the results, and to examine the effect of printing parameters on product characteristics. Kivonat A negyedik ipari forradalom rengeteg uj technologianak adott lenditő erőt, hogy kinője magat altalanosan hasznalt ipari alkalmazassa, illetve, hogy altalanos tarsadalmi felhasznalasi retegekben is megjelenjen. Az ilyen technologiak egyike az additiv gyartastechnologia, melynek soran terbeli targyakat keszitenek ujabb es ujabb retegek hozzaadasaval. A cikkben az additiv eljaras, mint gyartasi technologia kerul elemzesre anyagszerkezeti szempontbol. A tanulmany kereteben hangsulyt fektetunk a polimerekből letrehozott probatestek kulonboző nyomtatasi parametereire. A kutatasunk celja, a nyomtatott darabok vetemedesenek, zsugorodasanak szoftveres vizsgalata, eredmenyek osszehasonlitasa, tovabba a nyomtatasi parameterek hatasanak vizsgalata a termek jellemzőire.
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