Investigant amb la ciutadania per a fer polítiques públiques

catalaLa present comunicacio presenta una experiencia en l’aplicacio de l’enfocament de la RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) en un contracte de recerca encarregat per l’Area de Recerca de l’Escola d’Administracio Publica de Catalunya al GREDI (Grup de Recerca en Educacio Intercultural) de la Universitat de Barcelona. El contracte de recerca s’ha plantejat com un estudi de cas exploratori pel rol d’agents investigadors que s’ha atorgat al col.leciu diana del projecte: un col.leciu de dones feministes, activistes i musulmanes. La comunicacio presenta alguna de les estrategies organitzatives i del proces metodologic seguit. Aixi com alguns dels resultats de les 39 entrevistes en profunditat realitzades per un conjunt de 14 dones de l’associacio de de dones musulmanes de Catalunya (ADMAC). EnglishThe present communication presents an experience in the application of the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) approach in a research contract commissioned by the Research Area of the School of Public Administration of Catalonia at the GREDI (Group of Research in Intercultural Education) of the University of Barcelona. The research contract has been considered as an exploratory case study for the role of investigating agents that has been awarded to the target group of the project: a collection of women feminists, activists and Muslims. The communication presents some of the organizational strategies and the methodological process followed. As well as some of the results of the 39 in-depth interviews conducted by a group of 14 women from the association of Muslim women.
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