D-band MUTC Photodiodes with Flat Frequency Response

Novel back-illuminated modified uni-traveling- carrier photodiodes (MUTC-PDs) are reported to demonstrate wide bandwidth and high output power performance at D-band (110-170GHz) regime. A comprehensive design model is employed to predict and tune the frequency response by incorporating coplanar waveguides (CPWs) with different inductive peaking effects. As a demonstration, 4.5-m-diameter photodiodes with two types of CPWs are fabricated to exhibit different frequency response profiles. Both PDs exhibit a 3-dB bandwidth over 150 GHz and the measured frequency responses are in excellent agreement with simulations. Thanks to the proper design of the CPW electrodes, the two PDs exhibit an output power roll-off of only 4.3 dB and 4.8 dB from dc to 170 GHz, respectively, and high saturation performance is maintained over the broadband frequency range of 130-170 GHz
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