An Exploratory Study on Awareness and Challenges in implementing HACCP in Institutional Catering Outlets in a University Town

Manipal is a University town situated in Karnataka, India. There is an increased attention to food safety due to the growing demand for food prepared outside the house. Here it should be noted that food borne illnesses have been a major cause for concern in eateries and especially in Institutional Catering Outlets and the major cause for these illnesses being hygiene in these outlets. Many of these outlets are deficient in food safety due to lack of implementation of internationally recognized standards like HACCP.In a University town like Manipal, there is a growing demand for food outlets inside the campus, which is fulfilled by catering outlets set up by contract companies. The high volumes involved, cost of implementation of safety measures and thus its effect on the bottom-line make it difficult for these companies to comply with HACCP and FSSA standards. The study reveals the need for simplification of the above mentioned standards for easy adaption and practise.The purpose of this paper was to check the awareness levels in food safety and hygiene among the workforce in 19 Institutional Catering food outlets in Manipal. It was also the objective to study the difficulties and challenges that arise for these companies when implementing HACCP.The information was collected using questionnaires and interviews. Information collected could be classified as: demographic details, details related to food safety knowledge and details related to the attitude towards food safety.In conclusion there is a dire need for implementing HACCP systems in Institutional Catering Outlets to prevent food borne illnesses. This can only be done if appropriate agencies take required measures. Further research is required on how these measures can be adapted to suit these companies enhance food safety and protect consumers without impacting the profits of the companies negatively. This study did not involve testing the actual safety of the food, but only measured the knowledge and attitude towards implementing of food safety practices
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