Investigation of OSL signal of resistors from mobile phones for accidental dosimetry

Resistors from mobile phones, usually located near the human body, are considered as individual dosimeters of ionizing radiation in emergency situations. The resistors contain Al2O3, which is optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) material sensitive to ionizing radiation. This work is focused on determination of dose homogeneity within a mobile phones which was carried out by OSL measurements of resistors placed in different parts inside the mobile phone. Separate, commercially available resistors, similar in the shape and size to the resistors from circuit board of the studied mobile phone, were situated in different locations inside it. The irradiations were performed in uniform 60Co and 137Cs radiation fields, with the mobile phones connected and not connected to the cellular network. The dose decrease of 9% was measured for original resistors situated between layer of copper-clad laminate and battery, in comparison to the dose at the front of the phone. The resistors showed the lower signal when the mobile phone was connected to the cellular network, due to higher temperature inside the housing. The profile of fading was investigated within 3 month period for resistors irradiated with 1 Gy of gamma rays to estimate of the fading coefficient.
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