Дослідження впливу режимів електронно-променевої безтигельної зонної плавки металургійного кремнію на рафінування та структуроутворення зливків

The paper presents the results of studies obtained with the development of the technology of electron-beam crucible impregnation of metallurgical silicon. It is shown that refining of silicon from background and dopant impurities in electron-beam crucible-free zone melting occurs by zone purification during melting and as a result of evaporation of impurities from the sample surface. The mathematical model and computational experiment were been performed to determine the temperature gradient at different rates of zone melting. It was found the diapason of temperature gradients, which provides the columnar structure of crystallites and the purification of the samplesdue the melting with the zone recrystallization procedure. The level of the resistivity of the ingots increases at the end.
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